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Boids flocking model

Example of how simple interaction rules can give rise to collective behaviours, based on the Netlogo model.

Examples Source Code

The code for all the examples can be obtained by either:

  • pulling the docker image virgesmith/neworder:latest (more here), or
  • installing neworder, downloading the source code archive from the neworder releases page and extracting the examples subdirectory.


Each entity travels at a fixed speed in a 2- or 3-dimensional constrained universe, and interacts with the other entities in four ways:

  • separation: turns to avoid contact with other entities in close range, or
  • evasion: avoids boids that are predators (which are faster than other boids), and
  • alignment: turns towards the mean heading of nearby entities, and
  • cohesion: turns towards the centre of gravity of nearby entities
  • reversion (3d only): tend to return to the centre of the domain

(if a separation is required, the boid will not attempt to align or cohere)

The entities are stored in a pandas DataFrame and use neworder.Space to update positions. There are no explicit for loops in the model - all position and velocity calculations are "vectorised"* for efficiency.

* in this context "vectorisation" merely means the avoidance of explicit loops in an interpreted language. The actual implementation may be compiled to assembly language, vectorised in the true (SIMD) sense, parallelised, optimised in other ways, or any combination thereof.

Run like so

python examples/boids/ 2d

The 2d version utilises a wrap-around domain and does not implement the reversion step.


python examples/boids/ 3d

which runs

import sys
import neworder as no

# perfomance can be improved by **reducing** the number of threads numpy uses
# not sure why but might be contention with the graphical rendering

N = 1000 # number of boids
range = 1.0 # extent of the domain
vision = 0.2 # distance boids "see"
exclusion = 0.05 # distance collision avoidance kicks in
speed = 1.0

if len(sys.argv) != 2 or sys.argv[1] not in ["2d", "3d"]:
  print("usage: python examples/boids/ 2d|3d")

if sys.argv[1] == "2d":
  from boids2d import Boids2d as Boids
  from boids3d import Boids3d as Boids

m = Boids(N, range, vision, exclusion, speed)

no.log("p to pause, q to quit")
[file: examples/boids/]

and this is the 3-d implementation:

```python from future import annotations from typing import Any from time import sleep import numpy as np import pandas as pd import neworder as no import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # type: ignore from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

_cmap = { 0: (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0), 1: (0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0), 2: (1.0, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0), 3: (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) }

class Boids3d(no.Model):


def init(self, N: int, range: float, vision: float, exclusion: float, speed: float) -> None: super().init(no.LinearTimeline(0.0, 0.01), no.MonteCarlo.nondeterministic_stream)

self.N = N
self.range = range = vision
self.exclusion = exclusion
self.speed = speed

# unconstrained 3d space
self.domain = no.Space(np.zeros(3), np.full(3, self.range), edge=no.Edge.UNBOUNDED)

self.N_predators = 1

# initially in [0,1]^dim
self.boids = pd.DataFrame(
  index=pd.Index(name="id", data=no.df.unique_index(self.N)),
    "x": * self.range,
    "y": * self.range,
    "z": * self.range,
    "vx": - 0.5,
    "vy": - 0.5,
    "vz": - 0.5,
    "c": 0


self.fig, self.g = self.__init_visualisation()

self.paused = False

# suppress divsion by zero warnings

def step(self) -> None: if self.paused: sleep(0.2) self.__update_visualisation() return

d2, (dx, dy, dz) = self.domain.dists2((self.boids.x, self.boids.y, self.boids.z))
np.fill_diagonal(d2, np.inf) # no self-influence

# separate
too_close = d2 < self.exclusion**2
self.__separate(too_close, d2, dx, dy, dz)

# avoid predator
in_range = d2 < ** 2
self.__avoid(in_range, d2, dx, dy, dz)

# mask those that needed to separate
in_range = np.logical_and(in_range, ~too_close).astype(float)

self.__cohere(in_range, dx, dy, dz)

# favour returning to the origin


# set colours
self.boids.c = 0
self.boids.loc[in_range[0:self.N_predators].sum(axis=0) != 0, "c"] = 1
self.boids.loc[too_close[0:self.N_predators].sum(axis=0) != 0, "c"] = 2
self.boids.loc[0:self.N_predators - 1, "c"] = 3

(self.boids.x, self.boids.y, self.boids.z), (self.boids.vx, self.boids.vy, self.boids.vz) = self.domain.move(
  (self.boids.x, self.boids.y, self.boids.z),
  (self.boids.vx, self.boids.vy, self.boids.vz),


def __align(self, in_range: np.ndarray) -> None: weights = 1.0 / np.sum(in_range, axis=0) weights[weights == np.inf] = 0.0

mean_vx = (in_range * self.boids.vx.values) @ weights
mean_vy = (in_range * self.boids.vy.values) @ weights
mean_vz = (in_range * self.boids.vz.values) @ weights

self.boids.vx += mean_vx * Boids3d.ALIGN_COEFF
self.boids.vy += mean_vy * Boids3d.ALIGN_COEFF
self.boids.vz += mean_vz * Boids3d.ALIGN_COEFF

def __cohere(self, in_range: np.ndarray, dx: np.ndarray, dy: np.ndarray, dz: np.ndarray) -> None: weights = 1.0 / np.sum(in_range, axis=0) weights[weights == np.inf] = 0.0 x = (in_range * dx) @ weights y = (in_range * dy) @ weights z = (in_range * dz) @ weights

self.boids.vx += x * Boids3d.COHERE_COEFF
self.boids.vy += y * Boids3d.COHERE_COEFF
self.boids.vz += z * Boids3d.COHERE_COEFF

def __separate(self, in_range: np.ndarray, d2: np.ndarray, dx: np.ndarray, dy: np.ndarray, dz: np.ndarray) -> None: # TODO clip d2? # impact on v is proportional to 1/f f = Boids3d.SEPARATE_COEFF / d2 * in_range self.boids.vx += (f * dx).sum(axis=0) self.boids.vy += (f * dy).sum(axis=0) self.boids.vz += (f * dz).sum(axis=0)

def __avoid(self, in_range: np.ndarray, d2: np.ndarray, dx: np.ndarray, dy: np.ndarray, dz: np.ndarray) -> None: f = Boids3d.AVOID_COEFF / d2[0:self.N_predators, :] * in_range[0:self.N_predators, :] self.boids.vx += (f * dx[0:self.N_predators, :]).sum(axis=0) self.boids.vy += (f * dy[0:self.N_predators, :]).sum(axis=0) self.boids.vz += (f * dz[0:self.N_predators, :]).sum(axis=0)

def __revert(self) -> None: """Return to the origin""" self.boids.vx -= (self.boids.x - self.range / 2) * Boids3d.REVERT_COEFF self.boids.vy -= (self.boids.y - self.range / 2) * Boids3d.REVERT_COEFF self.boids.vz -= (self.boids.z - self.range / 2) * Boids3d.REVERT_COEFF

def __normalise(self) -> None: # normalise speed norm = np.clip(np.sqrt(self.boids.vx ** 2 + self.boids.vy ** 2 + self.boids.vz ** 2), a_min = 0.00001, a_max=None) self.boids.vx = self.speed / norm self.boids.vy = self.speed / norm self.boids.vz *= self.speed / norm

# predators are faster
self.boids.loc[0:self.N_predators - 1, "vx"] *= 1.5
self.boids.loc[0:self.N_predators - 1, "vy"] *= 1.5
self.boids.loc[0:self.N_predators - 1, "vz"] *= 1.5

def __init_visualisation(self) -> tuple[Any, Any]: plt.ion()

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
fig.suptitle("[p to pause, q to quit]", y=0.05, x=0.1)
ax = plt.axes() # projection="3d")

g = ax.scatter(_project(self.boids.x, self.boids.z, self.range / 2),
               _project(self.boids.y, self.boids.z, self.range / 2),
     , s=_size(self.boids.z))

ax.set_xlim(0.0, self.range)
ax.set_ylim(0.0, self.range)

def on_keypress(event):
  if event.key == "p":
    self.paused = not self.paused
  elif event.key == "q":
   no.log("%s doesnt do anything. p to pause/resume, q to quit" % event.key)

fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', on_keypress)
return fig, g

def __update_visualisation(self) -> None: self.g.set_offsets(np.c_[_project(self.boids.x, self.boids.z, self.range / 2), _project(self.boids.y, self.boids.z, self.range / 2)]) self.g.set_sizes(_size(self.boids.z)) self.g.set_facecolor( self.fig.canvas.draw() self.fig.canvas.flush_events()

def _project(a: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray, c: float) -> np.ndarray: d = 1.0 # centre, adjust, recentre return (a - c) * d / (1 + z) + c

def _size(z: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return 5.0 / (0.5 + z) # np.clip(.5 + z, a_min=0.1, a_max=None)``` [file: examples/boids/]

A 2-d implementation is also provided in examples/boids/


The output is an animation of the boid trajectories, as illustrated above.