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Population Microsimulation

Population pyramid


In this example, the input data is a csv file containing a microsynthesised 2011 population of Newcastle generated from UK census data, by area (MSOA), age, gender and ethnicity. The transitions modelled are: ageing, births, deaths and migrations, over a period of 40 years to 2051.

Births, deaths and migrations (applied in that order) are modelled using Monte-Carlo simulation (sampling Poisson processes in various ways) using distributions parameterised by age, sex and ethnicity-specific fertility, mortality and migration rates respectively, which are largely fictitious (but inspired by data from the NewETHPOP[1] project).

For the fertility model newborns simply inherit their mother's location and ethnicity, are born aged zero, and have a randomly selected gender (with even probability). The migration model is an 'in-out' model, i.e. it is not a full origin-destination model. Flows are either inward from 'elsewhere' or outward to 'elsewhere'.

People who have died, and outward migrations are simply removed from the population. (In a larger-scale model migrations could be redistributed).

At each timestep the check method computes and displays some summary data:

  • the time
  • the size of the population
  • the mean age of the population
  • the percentage of the population that are female
  • the in and out migration numbers

Examples Source Code

The code for all the examples can be obtained by either:

  • pulling the docker image virgesmith/neworder:latest (more here), or
  • installing neworder, downloading the source code archive from the neworder releases page and extracting the examples subdirectory.


""" Population Microsimulation - births, deaths and migration by age, gender and ethnicity
import time
from datetime import date

import neworder
from population import Population


# input data
initial_population = "examples/people/E08000021_MSOA11_2011.csv"
# age, gender and ethnicity-specific rates
fertility_rate_data = "examples/people/fertility.csv"
mortality_rate_data = "examples/people/mortality.csv"
in_migration_rate_data = "examples/people/migration-in.csv"
out_migration_rate_data = "examples/people/migration-out.csv"

# define the evolution timeline
timeline = neworder.CalendarTimeline(date(2011, 1, 1), date(2051, 1, 1), 1, "y")

# create the model
population = Population(timeline, initial_population, fertility_rate_data, mortality_rate_data, in_migration_rate_data, out_migration_rate_data)

# run the model
start = time.time()
ok =
neworder.log("run time = %.2fs" % (time.time() - start))
assert ok
[file: examples/people/]

Model Implementation

Births, deaths and outward migrations are modelled with Bernoulli trials with hazard rates parameterised by age, sex and ethnicity. Inward migrations are modelled by sampling counts from a Poisson process with the intensity parameterised by age, sex and ethnicity.

""" Model implementation for population microsimulation

import os
import pandas as pd  # type: ignore
import numpy as np
import neworder

import pyramid

class Population(neworder.Model):
  def __init__(self,
               timeline: neworder.Timeline,
               population_file: str,
               fertility_file: str,
               mortality_file: str,
               in_migration_file: str,
               out_migration_file: str):

    super().__init__(timeline, neworder.MonteCarlo.deterministic_identical_stream)

    # extract the local authority code from the filename
    self.lad = os.path.basename(population_file).split("_")[0]

    self.population = pd.read_csv(population_file)
    self.population.set_index(neworder.df.unique_index(len(self.population)), inplace=True, drop=True)

    # these datasets use a multiindex of age, gender and ethnicity
    # out migration is a hazard rate
    # in migration is the intensity of a Poisson process (not a hazard on existing residents!)
    self.fertility = pd.read_csv(fertility_file, index_col=[0,1,2])
    self.mortality = pd.read_csv(mortality_file, index_col=[0,1,2])
    self.in_migration = pd.read_csv(in_migration_file, index_col=[0,1,2])
    self.out_migration = pd.read_csv(out_migration_file, index_col=[0,1,2])

    # make gender and age categorical
    self.population.DC1117EW_C_AGE = self.population.DC1117EW_C_AGE.astype("category")
    self.population.DC1117EW_C_SEX = self.population.DC1117EW_C_SEX.astype("category")

    # actual age is randomised within the bound of the category (NB category values are age +1)
    self.population["Age"] = self.population.DC1117EW_C_AGE.astype(int) -

    self.fig = None

  def step(self) -> None:

  def finalise(self) -> None:

  def age(self) -> None:
    # Increment age by timestep and update census age category (used for ASFR/ASMR lookup)
    # NB census age category max value is 86 (=85 or over)
    self.population.Age = self.population.Age + 1 # NB self.timeline.dt wont be exactly 1 as based on an average length year of 365.2475 days
    # reconstruct census age group
    self.population.DC1117EW_C_AGE = np.clip(np.ceil(self.population.Age), 1, 86).astype(int)

  def births(self) -> None:
    # First consider only females
    females = self.population[self.population.DC1117EW_C_SEX == 2].copy()

    # Now map the appropriate fertility rate to each female
    # might be a more efficient way of generating this array
    rates = females.join(self.fertility, on=["NewEthpop_ETH", "DC1117EW_C_SEX", "DC1117EW_C_AGE"])["Rate"].values
    # Then randomly determine if a birth occurred
    h = * self.timeline.dt)

    # The babies are a clone of the new mothers, with with changed PID, reset age and randomised gender (keeping location and ethnicity)
    newborns = females[h == 1].copy()
    newborns.set_index(neworder.df.unique_index(len(newborns)), inplace=True, drop=True)
    newborns.Age = - 1.0 # born within the *next* 12 months (ageing step has yet to happen)
    newborns.DC1117EW_C_AGE = 1 # this is 0-1 in census category
    newborns.DC1117EW_C_SEX = 1 +, len(newborns)).astype(int) # 1=M, 2=F

    self.population = pd.concat((self.population, newborns))

  def deaths(self) -> None:
    # Map the appropriate mortality rate to each person
    # might be a more efficient way of generating this array
    rates = self.population.join(self.mortality, on=["NewEthpop_ETH", "DC1117EW_C_SEX", "DC1117EW_C_AGE"])["Rate"]

    # Then randomly determine if a death occurred
    h = * self.timeline.dt)

    # Finally remove deceased from table
    self.population = self.population[h!=1]

  def migrations(self) -> None:

    # immigration:
    # - sample counts of migrants according to intensity
    # - append result to population

    self.in_migration["count"] =, self.timeline.dt)
    h_in = self.in_migration.loc[self.in_migration.index.repeat(self.in_migration["count"])].drop(["Rate", "count"], axis=1)
    h_in = h_in.reset_index().set_index(neworder.df.unique_index(len(h_in)))
    h_in["Area"] = self.lad
    # randomly sample exact age according to age group
    h_in["Age"] = h_in.DC1117EW_C_AGE -

    # internal emigration:
    out_rates = self.population.join(self.out_migration, on=["NewEthpop_ETH", "DC1117EW_C_SEX", "DC1117EW_C_AGE"])["Rate"].values
    h_out = * self.timeline.dt)
    # add incoming & remove outgoing migrants
    self.population = pd.concat((self.population[h_out!=1], h_in))

    # record net migration
    self.in_out = (len(h_in), h_out.sum())

  def mean_age(self) -> float:
    return self.population.Age.mean()

  def gender_split(self) -> float:
    # this is % female
    return self.population.DC1117EW_C_SEX.mean() - 1.0

  def size(self) -> int:
    return len(self.population)

  def check(self) -> bool:
    """ State of the nation """
    # check no duplicated unique indices
    if len(self.population[self.population.index.duplicated(keep=False)]):
      neworder.log("Duplicate indices found")
      return False
    # Valid ETH, SEX, AGE
    if not np.array_equal(sorted(self.population.DC1117EW_C_SEX.unique()), [1,2]):
      neworder.log("invalid gender value")
      return False
    if min(self.population.DC1117EW_C_AGE.unique().astype(int)) < 1 or \
      max(self.population.DC1117EW_C_AGE.unique().astype(int)) > 86:
      neworder.log("invalid categorical age value")
      return False
    # this can go below zero for cat 86+
    if (self.population.DC1117EW_C_AGE - self.population.Age).max() >= 1.0:
      neworder.log("invalid fractional age value")
      return False

    neworder.log("check OK: time={} size={} mean_age={:.2f}, pct_female={:.2f} net_migration={} ({}-{})" \
      .format(, self.size(), self.mean_age(), 100.0 * self.gender_split(),
      self.in_out[0] - self.in_out[1], self.in_out[0], self.in_out[1]))

    # if all is ok, plot the data

    return True # Faith

  def plot_pyramid(self) -> None:
    a = np.arange(86)
    s = self.population.groupby(by=["DC1117EW_C_SEX", "DC1117EW_C_AGE"])["DC1117EW_C_SEX"].count()
    m = s[s.index.isin([1], level="DC1117EW_C_SEX")].values
    f = s[s.index.isin([2], level="DC1117EW_C_SEX")].values

    if self.fig is None:
      self.fig, self.axes, self.mbar, self.fbar = pyramid.plot(a, m, f)
      # NB self.timeline.time is now the time at the *end* of the timestep since this is called from check() (as opposed to step())
      self.mbar, self.fbar = pyramid.update(str(self.timeline.time.year), self.fig, self.axes, self.mbar, self.fbar, a, m, f)
[file: examples/people/]


To run the model:

python examples/people/


The model displays an animated population pyramid for the entire region being modelled (see above), plus some logging output with various statistics:

[py 0/1] check OK: time=2045-01-01 size=325865 mean_age=41.91, pct_female=49.46 net_migration=1202.0 (20320-19118.0)
[py 0/1] check OK: time=2046-01-01 size=326396 mean_age=41.91, pct_female=49.41 net_migration=787.0 (20007-19220.0)
[py 0/1] check OK: time=2047-01-01 size=327006 mean_age=41.88, pct_female=49.37 net_migration=921.0 (20252-19331.0)
[py 0/1] check OK: time=2048-01-01 size=327566 mean_age=41.87, pct_female=49.34 net_migration=780.0 (19924-19144.0)
[py 0/1] check OK: time=2049-01-01 size=328114 mean_age=41.84, pct_female=49.31 net_migration=824.0 (20140-19316.0)
[py 0/1] check OK: time=2050-01-01 size=328740 mean_age=41.81, pct_female=49.26 net_migration=826.0 (20218-19392.0)
[py 0/1] check OK: time=2051-01-01 size=329717 mean_age=41.77, pct_female=49.30 net_migration=1130.0 (20175-19045.0)
[py 0/1] run time = 17.19s

This 40 year simulation of an initial population of about 280,000 runs in under 20s on a single core of a medium-spec machine.