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Competing Risks

This is a case-based continuous-time microsimulation of the competing risks of (multiple) fertility and mortality. The former is sampled using a nonhomogeneous multiple-arrival-time simulation of a Poisson process, with a minimum gap between events of 9 months. Mortality is sampled using a standard nonhomogeneous Poisson process. A mortality event (obviously) precludes any subsequent birth event.

Examples Source Code

The code for all the examples can be obtained by either:

  • pulling the docker image virgesmith/neworder:latest (more here), or
  • installing neworder, downloading the source code archive from the neworder releases page and extracting the examples subdirectory.


Age- and ethnicity-specfic fertility and mortality rates (females only)


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd  # type: ignore
import neworder as no

class People(no.Model):
  """ A simple aggregration of Persons each represented as a row in a data frame """
  def __init__(self, dt: float, fertility_hazard_file: str, mortality_hazard_file: str, n: int) -> None:

    super().__init__(no.NoTimeline(), no.MonteCarlo.deterministic_identical_stream)

    self.dt = dt # time resolution of fertility/mortality data

    self.fertility_hazard = pd.read_csv(fertility_hazard_file)
    self.mortality_hazard = pd.read_csv(mortality_hazard_file)

    # store the largest age we have a rate for
    self.max_rate_age = int(max(self.mortality_hazard.DC1117EW_C_AGE) - 1)

    # initialise cohort
    self.population = pd.DataFrame(index=no.df.unique_index(n),
                                   data={"parity": 0,
                                         "time_of_death": no.time.FAR_FUTURE})

  def step(self) -> None:
    # sample deaths
    self.population["time_of_death"] =, self.dt, len(self.population))

    # sample (multiple) births with events at least 9 months apart
    births =, self.dt, len(self.population), 0.75)

    # the number of columns is governed by the maximum number of arrivals in the births data
    for i in range(births.shape[1]):
      col = "time_of_baby_" + str(i + 1)
      self.population[col] = births[:, i]
      # remove births that would have occured after death
      self.population.loc[self.population[col] > self.population.time_of_death, col] = no.time.NEVER
      self.population.parity = self.population.parity + ~no.time.isnever(self.population[col].values)

  def finalise(self) -> None:
    # compute means
    no.log("birth rate = %f" % np.mean(self.population.parity))
    no.log("percentage mothers = %f" % (100.0 * np.mean(self.population.parity > 0)))
    no.log("life expexctancy = %f" % np.mean(self.population.time_of_death))
[file: ./examples/competing/]


Competing risks - fertility & mortality
import neworder
# model implementation
from people import People
# separate visualisation code
from visualise import plot

# neworder.verbose()

# create model
# data are for white British women in a London Borough at 1 year time resolution
dt = 1.0 # years
fertility_hazard_file = "examples/competing/fertility-wbi.csv"
mortality_hazard_file = "examples/competing/mortality-wbi.csv"
population_size = 100000
pop = People(dt, fertility_hazard_file, mortality_hazard_file, population_size)

# run model

# visualise results
[file: ./examples/competing/]

Which can be run like so:

python examples/competing/

producing something like

[py 0/1]  birth rate = 1.471500
[py 0/1]  percentage mothers = 78.042000
[py 0/1]  life expexctancy = 81.829173

Although we are sampling the same demographic as the mortality example, life expectancy is over 4 years higher because in this example we are only considering females.

The figures below show the distribution of up to four births (stacked) plus mortality,

Competing Fertility-Mortality histogram

and the distribution of the number of children born to the cohort:

Births distribution