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Infection model

An example of individuals moving and interacting on a geospatial network.

Examples Source Code

The code for all the examples can be obtained by either:

  • pulling the docker image virgesmith/neworder:latest (more here), or
  • installing neworder, downloading the source code archive from the neworder releases page and extracting the examples subdirectory.

Optional dependencies

This example requires optional dependencies, use:

pip install neworder[geospatial]


The model is built on the graph implementations and algorithms provided by the networkx and osmnx packages, as well as geoapandas, which are encapsulated in the GeospatialGraph class specific to this example (to avoid the main package needing the extra dependencies). Each entity travels at a fixed random speed on a street network, travelling repeatedly to randomly selected destinations following a shortest path.

A number of entities are initially "infected" (shown in red) and will pass on the infection to nearby susceptible entities (white). While infected there is a possibility of dying (black) in which case the individual stops moving and is no longer infectious. If they survive the infection they become immune (green). The simulation runs until there are no more infected agents.

Run like so

python examples/infection/

which uses this model implementation:

from typing import Any
from enum import Enum
from time import sleep
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from neworder.geospatial import GeospatialGraph
import osmnx as ox
from shapely import line_interpolate_point
import geopandas as gpd

import neworder as no

class Status(Enum):
  IMMUNE = 2
  DEAD = 3

  def rgba(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]:
    match self:
      case Status.SUSCEPTIBLE:
        return (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
      case Status.INFECTED:
        return (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
      case Status.IMMUNE:
        return (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
      case Status.DEAD:
        return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

class Infection(no.Model):
  def __init__(self,
               point: tuple[float, float],
               dist: float,
               n_agents: int,
               n_infected: int,
               speed: float,
               infection_radius: float,
               recovery_time: int,
               mortality: float) -> None:
    super().__init__(no.LinearTimeline(0.0, 1.0), no.MonteCarlo.deterministic_independent_stream)
    # expose the model's MC engine to numpy
    self.nprand = no.as_np(
    # create the spatial domain
    self.domain = GeospatialGraph.from_point(point, dist, network_type="drive", crs='epsg:27700')

    # set the parameters
    self.infection_radius = infection_radius
    self.recovery_time = recovery_time
    self.marginal_mortality = 1.0 - (1.0 - mortality) ** (1.0 / recovery_time)

    # create the agent data, which is stored in a geopandas geodataframe
    start_positions = self.domain.all_nodes.sample(n=n_agents, random_state=self.nprand, replace=True).index.values
    speeds = self.nprand.lognormal(np.log(speed), 0.2, n_agents)
    agents = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data={"node": start_positions, "speed": speeds, "status": Status.SUSCEPTIBLE, "t_infect": no.time.NEVER})
    agents["dest"] = agents["node"].apply(self.__random_next_dest)
    agents["path"] = agents[["node", "dest"]].apply(lambda r: self.domain.shortest_path(r["node"], r["dest"], weight="length"), axis=1)
    agents["dist"] = agents.path.apply(lambda p: p.length)
    agents["offset"] = 0.0
    agents["geometry"] = agents["path"].apply(lambda linestr: line_interpolate_point(linestr, 0))
    infected = self.nprand.choice(agents.index, n_infected, replace=False)
    agents.loc[infected, "status"] = Status.INFECTED
    agents.loc[infected, "t_infect"] = self.timeline.index

    self.agents = agents
    self.fig, self.g = self.__init_visualisation()

  def step(self) -> None:
    num_infected = (self.agents.status == Status.INFECTED).sum()
    num_immune = (self.agents.status == Status.IMMUNE).sum()
    num_dead = (self.agents.status == Status.DEAD).sum()
    self.__update_visualisation(num_infected, num_immune, num_dead)
    if num_infected == 0:

  def finalise(self) -> None:
    no.log(f"total steps: {self.timeline.index}")
    no.log(f"infections: {len(self.agents.t_infect.dropna())}")
    no.log(f"recoveries: {(self.agents.status == Status.IMMUNE).sum()}")
    no.log(f"deaths: {(self.agents.status == Status.DEAD).sum()}")
    no.log(f"unaffected: {(self.agents.status == Status.SUSCEPTIBLE).sum()}")

  def __random_next_dest(self, node: int) -> int:
    # ensure dest is different from origin
    dest = node
    while dest == node:
      dest = self.domain.all_nodes.sample(n=1, random_state=self.nprand).index.values[0]
    return dest

  def __update_position(self) -> None:
    self.agents.offset += self.agents.speed
    # move agent along its route
    self.agents["geometry"] = self.agents[["path", "offset"]].apply(lambda r: line_interpolate_point(r["path"], r["offset"]), axis=1)
    # check if arrived at destination and set a new destination if necessary
    overshoots = self.agents.offset >= self.agents.dist
    if not overshoots.empty:
      # offset <- offset - dist
      self.agents.loc[overshoots, "offset"] -= self.agents.loc[overshoots, "dist"]
      # node <- dest
      self.agents.loc[overshoots, "node"] = self.agents.loc[overshoots, "dest"]
      # dest <- random
      self.agents.loc[overshoots, "dest"] = self.agents.loc[overshoots, "node"].apply(self.__random_next_dest)
      # path <- (node, dest), dist <- new_dist
      self.agents.loc[overshoots, "path"] = self.agents.loc[overshoots, ["node", "dest"]] \
        .apply(lambda r: self.domain.shortest_path(r["node"], r["dest"], weight="length"), axis=1)
      self.agents.loc[overshoots, "dist"] = self.agents.loc[overshoots, "path"].apply(lambda p: p.length)
      # finally update position
      self.agents.loc[overshoots, "geometry"] = self.agents.loc[overshoots, "path"].apply(lambda linestr: line_interpolate_point(linestr, 0))

  def __infect_nearby(self) -> None:
    infected = self.agents[self.agents.status == Status.INFECTED].geometry
    susceptible = self.agents[self.agents.status == Status.SUSCEPTIBLE].geometry
    new_infections = []
    # loop over smallest group for efficiency
    if len(infected) < len(susceptible):
      for i in infected:
        new = susceptible.geometry.distance(i) < self.infection_radius
        # new[new].index gives us only the index values corresponding to True
      for i, p in susceptible.items():
        new = infected.geometry.distance(p) < self.infection_radius
        if new.any():
    self.agents.loc[new_infections, "status"] = Status.INFECTED
    self.agents.loc[new_infections, "t_infect"] = self.timeline.index

  def __recover(self) -> None:
    t = self.timeline.index
    self.agents.loc[(t - self.agents.t_infect >= self.recovery_time) & (self.agents.status == Status.INFECTED), "status"] = Status.IMMUNE

  def __succumb(self) -> None:
    infected = self.agents[self.agents.status == Status.INFECTED]
    death =, len(infected)).astype(bool)
    self.agents.loc[infected[death].index.values, "status"] = Status.DEAD
    self.agents.loc[infected[death].index.values, "speed"] = 0.0

  def __init_visualisation(self) -> tuple[Any, Any]:
    fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(self.domain.graph, bgcolor="w", node_size=5, edge_linewidth=2, edge_color="#777777", figsize=(12,9))
    # optionally add a basemap:
    # import contextily as ctx
    # ctx.add_basemap(ax,, url=ctx.providers.OpenTopoMap)
    g = ax.scatter(self.agents.geometry.x, self.agents.geometry.y, color=self.agents.status.apply(lambda c: c.rgba), edgecolor='k')
    fig.suptitle("[q to quit]")
    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', lambda event: self.halt() if event.key == "q" else None)
    return fig, g

  def __update_visualisation(self, num_infected, num_immune, num_dead) -> None:
    offsets = np.array(list(zip(self.agents.geometry.x, self.agents.geometry.y)))
    colours = self.agents.status.apply(lambda c: c.rgba)
    self.fig.suptitle(f"step {self.timeline.index}: inf={num_infected} imm={num_immune} dead={num_dead} / {len(self.agents)} [q to quit]")

[file: examples/infection/]

and the neworder.geospatial.GeospatialGraph spatial domain.


The output is an animated map of the agents, as illustrated above. A basemap can easily be added by installing contextily and uncommenting the lines in __init_visualisation.