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Tips and Tricks

Model Initialisation

Base Model Initialisation

When instantiating the model subclass, it is essential that the neworder.Model base class is explicitly initialised. It must be supplied with a Timeline object and (optionally) a seeding function for the Monte-Carlo engine. Failure to do this will result in a runtime error.

For example, use this initialisation pattern:

class MyModel(neworder.Model):
  def __init__(self, args...) -> None:
    timeline = ... # initialise an appropriate timeline
    seeder = ... # (optional) set an appropriate seeding function
    # this line is essential:
    super().__init__(timeline, seeder)
    # now initialise the subclass...

Custom Seeding Strategies


neworder random streams use the Mersenne Twister pseudorandom generator, as implemented in the C++ standard library.

neworder provides three basic seeding functions which initialise the model's random stream so that they are either non-reproducible (neworder.MonteCarlo.nondeterministic_stream), or reproducible and either identical (neworder.MonteCarlo.deterministic_identical_stream) or independent across parallel runs (neworder.MonteCarlo.deterministic_independent_stream). Typically, a user would select identical streams (and perturbed inputs) for sensitivity analysis, and independent streams (with identical inputs) for convergence analysis.

If necessary, you can supply your own seeding strategy, for instance if you required half the processes to have identical streams:

Seeder function signature

The seeder function must take no arguments and return an int. When the function is called by the neworder runtime, the "rank" (in MPI parlance) of each process is available to it. For serial execution, the rank will always be zero.

import neworder
def hybrid_seeder() -> int:
  return (neworder.mpi.RANK % 2) + 12345

or, as a lambda:

hybrid_seeder: Callable[[], int] = lambda r: (r % 2) + 12345

which returns the same seed for all odd-ranked processes and a different seed for the even-ranked ones. You can define your seeder inline when you instantiate the Model, e.g.

class MyModel(neworder.Model):
  def __init__(self, timeline: neworder.Timeline) -> None:
    super().__init__(timeline, lambda: (neworder.mpi.RANK % 2) + 12345)

If there was a requirement for multiple processes to all have the same nondeterministic stream, you could implement a seeding strategy like so:

def nondeterministic_identical_stream() -> int:
  # only process 0 gets a seed
  seed = neworder.MonteCarlo.nondeterministic_stream(0) if neworder.mpi.RANK == 0 else None
  # then broadcasts it to the other processes
  seed = neworder.mpi.COMM.bcast(seed, root=0)
  return seed

Identical Streams


Identically initialised random streams only stay in sync if the same number of samples are taken from each one .

The "option" example relies on parallel processes with identical random streams to reduce noise when computing differences for sensitivity analysis. It implements a check step that compares the internal states of the random stream in each process and fails if any are different (see the example code).

External Sources of Randomness

Other libraries, such as numpy, contain a much broader selection of random number functionality than neworder does, and it makes no sense to reimplement such functionality. If you are using a specific seeding strategy within neworder, and are also using an external random generator, it is important to ensure they are also following the same strategy, otherwise reproducibility may be compromised.

In your model constructor, you can seed the numpy generator like so

ext_seed =
self.nprand = np.random.Generator(np.random.MT19937(ext_seed))
# ...get some values
x = self.nprand.normal(size=5)

If you've chosen a deterministic seedng strategy, then ext_seed will be reproducible, and if you've chosen an independent strategy, then ext_seed will be different for each process, thus propagating your chosen seeding strategy to the external generator.

Seeding external generators

Wherever possible, explicitly seed any external random generators using neworder's MonteCarlo engine. This will effectively propagate your seeding strategy to the external generator.

Using neworder's random generator with numpy

It is now possible to use the RNG from the neworder model's Monte-Carlo engine as a numpy generator. In this way all of numpy's functionality is available with neworder's RNG. To achieve this use the adapter function as_np. Similarly to the example above, in your model constructor create the numpy generator:

self.nprand = no.as_np(
# ...get some values
x = self.nprand.normal(size=5)

NB as there is only one RNG state, you can safely get independent variates when calling both the RNG directly and via numpy.

Conditional Halting

In some models, rather than (or as well as) evolving the population over a fixed timeline, it may make more sense to iterate timesteps until some condition is met. The "Schelling" example illustrates this - it runs until all agents are in a satisfied state.

In these situations, the model developer can (conditionally) call the Model.halt() method from inside the model's step() method, which will end the model run. Currently, the LinearTimeline and CalendarTimeline classes support both fixed and open-ended timelines.


This function does not end execution immediately, it signals to the neworder runtime not to iterate any further timesteps. This means that the entire body of the step method (and the check method, if implemented) will still be executed. Overriding the halt method is not recommended.


The finalise method is automatically called by the neworder runtime only when the end of the timeline. As open-ended timelines never reach this state, the method must can be called explicitly, if needed.


Failure is All-Or-Nothing

If checks fail, or any other error occurs in one process in a parallel run, other processes must be notified, otherwise deadlocks can occur.

Blocking communications between processes will deadlock if, for instance, the receiving process has ended due to an error. This will cause the entire run to hang (and may impact your HPC bill). The option example, as described above, has a check for random stream synchronisation that looks like this:

  def check(self) -> bool:
    # check the rng streams are still in sync by sampling from each one,
    # comparing, and broadcasting the result. If one process fails the
    # check and exits without notifying the others, deadlocks can result.
    # send the state representation to process 0 (others will get None)
    states = neworder.mpi.COMM.gather(, 0)
    # process 0 checks the values
    if states:
      ok = all(s == states[0] for s in states)
      ok = True
    # broadcast process 0's ok to all processes
    ok = neworder.mpi.COMM.bcast(ok, root=0)
    return ok
[file: examples/option/]

The key here is that there is only one result, shared between all processes. In this case only one process is performing the check and broadcasting the result to the others.


In general, the return value of check() should be the logical "and" of the results from each process.

Time Comparison

neworder uses 64-bit floating-point numbers to represent time, and the values -inf, +inf and nan respectively to represent the concepts of the distant past, the far future and never. This allows users to define, or compare against, values that are:

  • unequal to any time value, including itself (neworder.time.NEVER),
  • before any other (non-never) time value (neworder.time.DISTANT_PAST) , or
  • after any other (non-never) time value (neworder.time.FAR_FUTURE)

NaN comparisons

Due to the rules of IEEE754 floating-point, care must be taken when comparing to NaN/NEVER, since a direct comparison will always be false, i.e.: NEVER != NEVER.

To compare time values with "never", use the supplied function isnever():

import neworder
n = neworder.time.NEVER
neworder.log(n == n) # False!
neworder.log(neworder.time.isnever(n)) # True

Data Types

Static typing

Unlike python, C++ is a statically typed language and so neworder is strict about types. We strongly encourage the use of type annotations and a type checker (mypy) in python.

If an argument to a neworder method or function is not the correct type, it will fail immediately (as opposed to python, which will fail only if an invalid operation for the given type is attempted (a.k.a. "duck typing")). This applies to contained types (numpy's dtype) too. In the example below, the function is expecting an integer, and will complain if you pass it a floating-point argument:

>>> import neworder
>>> neworder.df.unique_index(3.0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unique_index(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
    1. (n: int) -> numpy.ndarray[int64]

Invoked with: 3.0

Project Structure

Although obvious to many users, in order to promote reusability, it is recommended to separate out functionality into logical units, for example:

  • model definition - the actual model implementation
  • model data - loading and preprocessing of input data
  • model execution - defining the parameters of the model and running it
  • result postprocessing and visualisation

This makes life much easier when you want to:

  • use the same model with different parameters and/or input data,
  • run the model on different plaforms without modification (think desktop vs HPC cluster vs web service).
  • have visualisations tailored to the platform you are working on.
  • run multiple models from one script.

The examples use canned (i.e. already preprocessed) data but otherwise largely adhere to this pattern.