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Hello World

This simple example illustrates the basic model structure, how it all fits together and how it's executed by the framework.

Examples Source Code

The code for all the examples can be obtained by either:

  • pulling the docker image virgesmith/neworder:latest (more here), or
  • installing neworder, downloading the source code archive from the neworder releases page and extracting the examples subdirectory.

Model Definition and Execution

The framework runs a model via the function, which takes an instance of a Model class. All models contain, at a minimum:

  • an instance of a timeline, in this case the NoTimeline arbitrary single-step timeline
  • an instance of a neworder.MonteCarlo engine
  • user-defined methods to evolve the state (step) and report/postprocess results (finalise).

In this example the model doesn't have an explicit discrete timeline, so for models of this type a method is provided to construct an empty timeline (which is a single step of length zero).


In some model specifications, each individual's entire history can be constructed in a single pass, and in this type of situation a null timeline is appropriate. In more complex examples, the timeline could either refer to absolute time, or for "case-based" models (to use MODGEN parlance), the age of a cohort.

In this (rather contrived) example we have a population a who possess a sole boolean "talkative" attribute, which is initially False. The model randomly transitions this state, according to a given probability, and then those individuals who have become talkative say hello.


The input data for this model are just:

  • the size of the population
  • the probability of saying hello


Firstly we create our model class, subclassing neworder.Model:

import pandas as pd
import neworder

# uncomment for verbose output
# neworder.verbose()

class HelloWorld(neworder.Model):
  This model extends the builtin neworder.Model class by providing
  implementations of the following methods:
  - modify (optional)
  - step
  - check (optional)
  - finalise (optional)
  The function will execute the model, looping over
  the timeline and calling the methods above
[file: ./examples/hello_world/]

and provide a constructor that initialises the base class and a DataFrame containing the population:

  def __init__(self, n: int, p: float) -> None:
    We create a null timeline, corresponding to a single instantaneous
    transition, and initialise the base class with this plus a
    randomly-seeded Monte-Carlo engine

    NB it is *essential* to initialise the base class.
    super().__init__(neworder.NoTimeline(), neworder.MonteCarlo.nondeterministic_stream)

    # create a silent population of size n
    self.population = pd.DataFrame(index=neworder.df.unique_index(n),
                                   data={"talkative": False}) = "id"

    # set the transition probability
    self.p_talk = p
[file: ./examples/hello_world/]

Unique Indexing

The neworder.df.unique_index() provides a mechanism to guarantee unique indices for DataFrames, even for parallel runs. This allows individuals to be exchanged and tracked between processes without conflicting indices.

The step method randomly samples new values for the "talkative" attribute, using the neworder.MonteCarlo.hazard method

  def step(self) -> None:
    Transitions to run at each timestep.
    This method must be implemented.
    Arguments: self
    Returns: NoneType
    # randomly make some people talkative
    self.population.talkative =, len(self.population)).astype(bool)
[file: ./examples/hello_world/]

and at the end of the timeline the finalise method prints greetings from the talkative individuals using the neworder.log function, which is preferred to plain print statements as the output is annotated with useful context for debugging.

  def finalise(self) -> None:
    This method (optional, if defined) is run at the end of the timeline
    Arguments: self
    Returns: NoneType
    for i, r in self.population.iterrows():
      if r.talkative:
        neworder.log(f"Hello from {i}")
[file: ./examples/hello_world/]


The model is run by simply constructing an instance of our model and passing it to the run method:

# uncomment for verbose output
# uncomment to disable checks entirely
# neworder.checked(False)

# construct the model with the population size and the probability of becoming talkative
hello_world = HelloWorld(10, 0.5)

# run the model and check it worked
ok =
if not ok:
  neworder.log("model failed!")
[file: ./examples/hello_world/]

From the command line, run the model:

python examples/hello_world/

which should result in something like

[py 0/1]  Hello from 0
[py 0/1]  Hello from 3
[py 0/1]  Hello from 4
[py 0/1]  Hello from 6

Understanding the workflow and the output

To get a better idea of what's going on, uncomment the line containing neworder.verbose() and rerun the model. The output is explained line-by-line below.

Annotated Output

The neworder.log output is prefixed with a source identifier in square brackets, containing the following information for debugging purposes:

  • Source of message: no if logged from the framework itself, py if logged from python code (via the neworder.log() function). The former are only displayed in verbose mode.
  • the process id ('rank' in MPI parlance) and the total number of processes ('size' in MPI parlance) - in serial mode these default to 0/1.

First we get some information about the model initialisation parameters:

[no 0/1]  model init: timeline=<NoTimeline stepped=False> mc=<neworder.MonteCarlo seed=874991939>
[no 0/1]  starting model run. start time=nan

When using NoTimeline() the start time, end time are undefined and the timestep is zero - i.e. a single arbitrary step in which all computation is done.

The RNG seed is displayed for reproducibility, although in this configuration we explicitly requested a random seed using the neworder.MonteCarlo.nondeterministic_stream parameter, so each time you run the model you will get a different seed, and different results. The next output concerns the modify method which is explained in the Option example.

[no 0/1]  t=nan(0) HelloWorld.modify(0)
[no 0/1]  defaulted to no-op Model::modify()

Note that the time value is NaN (not-a-number) since absolute time is not important in this implementation, but the index is zero. Now the step method is called, which applies our single random transition - making some individuals "talkative":

[no 0/1]  t=nan(1) HelloWorld.step()

and this is followed by the check method, which is optional and we haven't implemented:

[no 0/1]  defaulted to no-op Model::check()
[no 0/1]  t=nan(1) HelloWorld.check() [ok]
and the time index has updated to 1.


Custom data sanity checks can be run after each timestep by overriding the check method. The default implementation does nothing. A typical pattern would be to implement checks for debugging a model during development, then disable them entirely to improve performance using neworder.checked(False). See the other examples.

We've now reached the end of our single step "timeline" so the finalise method is called:

[no 0/1]  t=nan(1) HelloWorld.finalise()

which in this case just prints the results:

[py 0/1] Hello from 0
[py 0/1] Hello from 1
[py 0/1] Hello from 4
[py 0/1] Hello from 7
[py 0/1] Hello from 8

and finally the model reports its status and execution time:

[no 0/1] SUCCESS exec time=0.000914s

Next steps

Try re-running the model with different input parameters, or changing the seeding strategy for reproducible results. To reproduce the exact results above replace neworder.MonteCarlo.nondeterministic_stream with lambda _: 874991939 in the model initialiser, or just use neworder.MonteCarlo.deterministic_independent_stream to get consistent results for every run.

Then, check out some or all of the other examples...